Acne can be a very frustrating condition and have a very negative impact on our life.
Here’s a few acne remedies to help manage the condition.
The best treatment to prevent and control any type of acne begins with a gentle cleanser that will exfoliate, open pores, and clear out dirt, old cells and excess oil.
Various treatment options are available depending on the severity of the condition. Adding quality acne products to your everyday skin care regimen will help control an oily/acne condition. Numerous types of products that are designed to work together are available for mild to severe cases of acne.
Choosing individual products that are formulated for acne-prone skin can be quite a challenge to find out what will work the best for you. Successful transformation to a clearer complexion will be achieved when the correct system works.
Remember to be consistent.
Various natural home remedies are available. Many people choose “Do it Your-self” recipe’ over the conventional treatments. One reason they have become so popular is the fact that you know what the ingredient list consists of and the risk of side effects is lower.
This is extremely important for someone that has a sensitive skin type.
Some effective natural ingredients used to treat acne can be used in many easy recipes or as a stand alone treatment.
Successful treatments have long been used to treat many skin problems using this miraculous plant. The succulent species aloe barbadensis has the capabilities to soothe, reduce redness, inflammation, and swelling so it is used in the treatment of acne and the prevention of future breakouts.
The natural astringent properties of Aloe helps unclog pores and prevent bacterial infections. It also has a high content of Vitamin E and C which help for its rejuvenation abilities.
Studies have shown that honey has significant wound-healing, antibacterial and anti aging properties. The natural rich antioxidants found in honey help prevent free radical attack.
The most effective manuka honey variety has shown to be the most effective and can be used quite successfully in treating acne, removing excess oil, killing bacteria, soothing the pain, and helping to fade scar tissue.
Natural clays such as Bentonite clay are commonly used in acne mask treatments for its absorbent and astringent properties. It’s chemical makeup helps to draw up excess oil, toxins, and impurities from the skin that contribute to acne and breakouts.
Treatments will have a calming effect on skin and help regulate sebum production. Regular treatments will help you avoid future breakouts.
Oatmeal contains antioxidant and anti-inflammatory compounds. Reduce inflammation and redness of the skin with cooked oatmeal. Soothe and relieve irritated acne skin with an oatmeal serving applied directly to your face or use it in a treatment mask mixture.
It is an excellent ingredient for oily/acne prone skin because it absorbs oil excess and cleans clogged pores.
Medical therapies advanced and effective acne treatments are also available. Acne procedures such as chemical peel, microdermabrasion, lazer therapy, or fotofacial procedures are a few options to consider.
Acne skin care treatment management includes keeping a check on your lifestyle habits.
Often times a few simple changes will be beneficial and help to prevent flair-ups.
Exercise-Anything that increases blood flow will help keep your body and skin healthy. Exercise increases blood flow that carries oxygen and needed nutrients to skin cells to improve your complexion and help clear up acne. Good circulation also helps to clear toxins and carry waste out.
Sleep- Sufficient rest is important for your body to stay healthy, balanced, and to function properly. A Lack of sleep most likely will affect your complexion and can contribute to acne, cause undesirable side effects, and may cause stress levels to climb.
Healthy Diet- Everybody knows how important a balanced diet is to our health.
Dietary habits are especially important to monitor if you have an oily prone or acne skin type.
Dietary adjustments may become necessary to help control acne breakouts. Eating more fruits and vegetables and eliminating foods likely to cause outbreaks will help keep skin clearer.
Stress- The intensity of acne can be lowered by trying to keep stress minimal. There are many stress relieving activities to engage in that can help relieve tension. Soothing techniques don’t have to complicated or time consuming.
Taking a 10 minute quiet time break during a stressful moment can help wonders. Other suggestions to consider may include a relaxing bath, an aromatherapy diffuser, reading, walking, biking, giving yourself a facial treatment, or getting a massage.