A Dry itchy skin condition can be caused from numerous factors, yet many dry skin causes can often be controlled or prevented.
Men or women of all ages can be categorized having a dry skin type. It ordinarily is not serious in its milder form but it is often accompanied by intense itchiness.
This distressing condition is often temporary, brought on due to low humidity, and a lack of hydration. Dry air can cause some people more trouble in colder weather months. Click here for home remedy for dry skin during Winter
Elderly people tend to have more trouble simply due to the natural changes that occur with age.
As we age, skin loses its capacity to retain moisture. Due to aging and loss of moisture a mature skin may encounter more trouble with dry itchy skin issues that can lead to chapping, peeling, small cracks and a distinct scaly “dragon look” unless some type of treatment is applied.
This condition may appear as a dry patch or affect the entire body but most commonly causing problems on the face, hands, arms and legs.
Other common symptoms may include a weathered, dull appearance, lacking good tone and feeling rough, tight, drawn and uncomfortable after washing. Extreme cases may become painful, due to infections, cracks, splitting, and bleeding.
Probably the most important thing you can do to prevent, or treat dry itchiness is to moisturize daily with a cream-based moisturizer.
Unless your itchy dry skin is caused by a more severe medical problem (diabetes, liver or kidney disease…) or it is accompanied by other obvious skin problems such as an eczema condition, dermatitis, or psoriasis, a quality moisturizer treatment might be all you need.
Adding a moisturizer treatment will work well for overall dryness by adding moisture and keeping it locked in to keep a moist and dewy look and feel.
A moisturizer is one of the best affordable treatments you can do that will show improvement instantly. Moisturizing benefits nourish, control flakiness, and help prevent face wrinkles from forming.
There are many dry skin moisturizer creams and lotions that provide effective ways to soothe and soften irritated skin,works as a good itching remedy, as well as giving every day protection from premature aging.
Apply your moisturizer as often as needed throughout the day. Pay particular attention to areas where itching is most severe.
If your dry itchy skin persists or worsens get the professional advice of a dermatologist to be sure it doesn’t progress into a more serious condition.
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