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3 Facial Skin Care Treatments for Men  

Basic Facial Skin Care Treatments for Men  

3 basic facial skin care treatments for men is an easy, simple routine that applies for everyone regardless of your skin type.


Taking good care of your skin does not have to be confusing and difficult to achieve healthy skin and maintain results.


You don’t have to get caught up in the elaborate beauty rituals that some women may choose to do, but good grooming practices with the proper skin care products for men will protect and nourish your skin as you age.



Let’s take a look at a few helpful tips for a basic men’s facial care routine  

MEN FACE WASH TREATMENTProper face washing care for men

CLEANSE- The first facial skin care treatment step is washing your face with a good facial cleanser that will perform all kinds of duties. A good face wash will dissolve dirt and grime and help wash away dead cells.


Cleansing your face everyday will unclog pores and prepare your skin for a better shave. If you shave, prepping your skin first will also stimulate the area, open up pores, and soften the hairs making it easier for your razor to glide over your face and prevent razor burn.


If you are prone to acne, this treatment will help control oil and keep your complexion free of impurities. Many over the counter or doctor prescribed cleansers are specifically formulated for acne-prone skin.


Look for a facial cleanser that’s geared to your type and use morning and night. Avoid using your body wash on your face. There is a vast amount of “Geared for the guys” products out there to choose from.


Exfoliate - A facial scrub once a week can give additional help to deep clean, loosen up dead cells, and help discourage ingrown hairs.


TONE- This is an optional facial skin care treatment that you can decide to skip or include once you try it. It’s a personal choice to include this step or not.


 To make your routine more effective a toner is used to help rid the surface layer of any left over soap and dirt and many people love the re-freshening properties they offer. They will help smooth out your skins texture and tone and help balance your skin. Toners prepare skin to absorb moisturizers and serums more efficiently.



Selections used to be limited to alcohol based, mint-type ingredients, and other potent irritants.

Today’s improved toners are so well formulated they even offer antiaging benefits. Look for key ingredients such as Vitamin C, hyaluronic acid, and other good mixes of antioxidants.  Keep your particular skin type in mind when purchasing.


MOISTURIZE- Many factors such as pollution, weather, and stressful lifestyles help dehydrate and pull moisture out of our skin.

This step is essential to help protect from dryness and to provide the needed hydration and help promote cell regeneration.


Moisturizing on a regular basis is an important part of your daily regimen no matter what your skin type is.

Look for products designed specifically for guys, formulated with rich nutrients, and with a no-frills packaging just for men.  Daily moisturizing will also provide soothing relief after shaving and help protect from aging wrinkles and damage from the elements.

Protect your skin from the elements with a good skin care programProtect your skin from the elements

Sunscreen- We all know there are many reasons why everyone should be convinced to always wear sunscreen but a additional combination of outdoor activity related to certain jobs or taking part in outdoor sports sometimes calls for extra attention to protect your skin.


If you don’t like the feel of lotion, keep a spray-on sunscreen handy 

Moisturizers with SPF/sunscreen are also available.