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Sun Damaged Skin Treatments

A sun damaged skin treatment can include anti aging products,  rejuvenation treatments, prescription medications, and medical procedures.


There are a number of anti aging products and treatments available to help prevent or reverse some of the signs of sun damage many of us most likely will encounter.

Sunshine is very essential for our health and well-being although years of unprotected overexposure to the suns rays is certainly a hazard for our skin and is responsible for a large percent of visible aging damage.

Accumulated photo damage from ultraviolet (UV) radiation can result in wrinkles, sagging, brown spots, broken capillaries, leathery texture, dry, dull complexion, and pre-cancer or cancerous growths.

Photoaging also causes the increase in free radical production and it damages collagen and our skin’ elasticity.

Sun Damaged Skin Treatment Products

It goes without saying “Prevention is always easier than a cure” so it’s always advisable to practice safe sun exposure habits such as always using sunscreens to protect yourself from the sun’s damaging and aging rays, staying out of the sun as much as possible, and wearing protective clothing, hats, and good pair of UVA protection sunglasses.

With skin cancers on the rise, sun protection is for everyone- Always!

Take extra precautions when taking medications. Many types of meds may make the skin extra susceptible to sun.

  • Sunblock / Sunscreen
  • Remember to protect yourself daily, anytime you spend time outdoors no matter what the season.

    Apply a liberal amount of a broad spectrum (UVA/UVB) sunscreen with an SPF of 15 or higher to all exposed skin. This vital tool will absorb or block any damaging rays from reaching the skin.

    Re-apply as needed for extended outdoor activity.

  • Antioxidants
  • Antioxidants is a natural sun damaged skin treatment. Good nutrient maintenance helps protect your skins DNA and fight free radical damage that cause the break down of collagen protein  and elastin.

     A nutrient-rich topical cream that can be absorbed easily will directly stimulate cell replication, build collagen, and help assist cells to mend prior damage.

    Building up your collagen production is important because cumulative sun damage (photoaging) is one cause of collagen and elastin decrease. Due to this gradual loss of structure is why we start to see wrinkles form and our skin begins to sag, stretch, and thin.

  • Copper Peptides
  • Peptides are used to reverse aging effects in skin by helping to stimulate collagen and increase elastin density. Skin remodeling smoothes and lifts, reduces wrinkles, and improves an overall appearance.

  • Eye Cream
  • Arm yourself with extra “ammo” This is an ideal treatment to protect those sensitive, delicate eyes from aging lines and wrinkles. Look for an antioxidant-rich product that is designed to target this area.

  • Moisturizers and Make-up
    Some beauty products contain UV protection in them.

Sun Damaged Skin Treatments

To minimize the effects of coarse, dry skin, freckling, discoloration, leathery appearance, and deep lines and wrinkles several treatment options may include-

  • Tretinoin
  • Tretinoin is a prescription topical cream/gel that is a natural form of vitamin A (Retin-A & Renova) that can reverse sun damage over time. It helps exfoliate and shed the damaged outer layer to replace a fresh, new top layer.

  • Fillers

    Multiple kinds of dermal fillers can be used to benefit individuals with volume loss, deep creases, facial lines and wrinkles.

  • Chemical peels
  • Chemical peels of various strengths are often used to help skin regenerate. A mild superficial –deep application is applied to the skin to exfoliate degree layers to smooth texture and treat fine lines, age spots, uneven pigmentation, and superficial scars.

  • Microdermabrasion
  • Microdermabrasion is a non-invasive  procedure that rejuvenates and improves your complexions appearance and smoothness.

    This exfoliating technique involves a series of vacuum-like suction treatments that improves texture and elasticity.

  • Laser resurfacing
  • Multiple laser choices to treat many conditions. The new lasers are well advanced with precise, controlled beams of light used to remove unwanted, damaged skin.

  • Intense pulsed light (IPL) therapy
    IPL is one of the newer forms of facial rejuvenation using high intensity light with a range of wavelengths.
    The texture of the skin can be improved as well as, fade freckles, treat age spots, dissolve blood vessels, diffuse redness and other forms of discoloration

Taking a few necessary precautions and incorporating sun damaged skin treatments into a beauty regimen early will help prevent problems later.